Classic & Contemporary Books on Sufism

Breathtaking Revelations Pre-orders, Author Chat, and Other New Books

Dear Sulūk Press Community,

We are excited to announce the pre-release of Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan by Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva, due out in April.

“Hazrat Inayat Khan’s own murshid, Abu Hashim Madani, once said that there is but one virtue, to breathe in the full awareness of God. These teachings are not abstract, but connected to a wide system of practices shared between the Islamic and the Hindu traditions. The magnificent Breathtaking Revelations explores this centuries-old, rich tradition of breath-based meditation. In it, Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva weave together the rich tapestry of Indic systems of meditation and breathwork that spanned from Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic. This is one of our most fruitful areas of shared practice among Hindu Yogis and Muslim Sufis of South Asia. Highly recommended for all spiritual seekers, and for all who dare to imagine a more fruitful area of overlap among all the people of South Asia.”

—Omid Safi, Professor of Islamic Studies at Duke University, and Founder, Illuminated Courses and Tours.

“Here is a book that will delight any reader, whether academic forager or meditative performer, seeking to understand breath as itself the source of knowledge, worthy of scientific analysis. Ernst and D’Silva have combined to produce a volume that provides what its title announces: breathtaking revelations.”

—Bruce Lawrence, Duke University

Pre-orders are now open for this book! Pre-order now and be among the first to receive the book.

Mark your calendars for Saturday April 27 at 3 p.m. Eastern, when we will host a talk with the authors of Breathtaking Revelations, Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva, to talk about their new book! Register here.

The Prayers of the Inayatiyya has been reissued with a beautiful new cover and the updated text of the prayers as initiated in 2022. This slim volume presents the prayers of the Inayatiyya lineage as an easy reference for daily use. Includes drawings and descriptions of the movements for Saum and Salat, as well as comments by Hazrat Inayat Khan on praying and prayers and an introduction by Pir Zia Inayat Khan on the five dimensions of prayer. 

Available now!

No God or Only God, a new book by Suhrawardi Gebel, is also nearing completion and will be ready in early May. Sulūk Press has previously published two other titles by him: Root Speaks to Bud and Nature’s Hidden Dimension. Suhrawardi Gebel is an astrophysicist, psychotherapist, and senior spiritual leader of the Inayatiyya. 

No God or Only God is a journey through and beyond the most enlightened concepts of philosophy and science to the living Reality of illuminated Being. With clarity and skill, it opens us deeply to unlearning, grace and the sacred transformation of the God-Ideal.  Rooted throughout in the magic of Love, No God or Only God culminates in practical guidance toward curiosity and the fullest expression of all the potentialities of the Soul.”

—Felicia Norton and Charles Smith, authors of An Emerald Earth: Cultivating a Natural Spirituality and Serving Creative Beauty in Our World

Other news

  • The paperback version of Spiritual Liberty is now shipping. In case you missed the announcement: after receiving feedback from customers, and in consideration of collections people have started, we are making an exception with the Centennial series to our general policy of issuing new books only in one format.
  • There are now two ways to send gifts at our site: gift books and gift cards. Gift a book at our site by including a gift message at checkout. This will be printed on letterhead and included with your order. Or, buy a gift card in denominations of $25, $50 or $100. These can be sent immediately, or scheduled ahead of time to send on a specific date. Find this in the menu under Books. 

We always welcome your questions and feedback about our books, our website, and your experience ordering with us.

With very best wishes,

Beatrice Upenieks
Business Manager