Nargis Jessie Dowland
Nargis Jessie Dowland (1866–1953) was an early editor and publisher of the works of her Sufi teacher, Hazrat Inayat Khan. While maintaining a high level of worldly responsibility, as the manager of the Polygon House Hotel in Southampton, United Kingdom, and also as National Representative of the Sufi Movement in England (1921–1933), she found a way to live a deeply mystical inner life through her profound connection with her teacher.
The works of Nargis Dowland have long been out of print, with only a few copies preserved in public and private collections. A new generation of readers is now invited to read and be inspired by these classics of spirituality in Path of the Seeker Books I and II. In these compiled works, Nargis used phrases from the writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan and those of other spiritual teachers as seed thoughts to inspire her own deep reflections on the stages and process of the path of return to the source of life. A more complete biographical portrait of Nargis Dowland written by Nancy Barta-Norton may be found in Path of the Seeker Book II.
Path of the Seeker I$27.95
Path of the Seeker II$25.95
About Suluk Press
Sulūk Press is an independent publisher dedicated to issuing works of spirituality and cultural moment, with a focus on Sufism, in particular, the works of Hazrat Inayat Khan and his successors.