Classic & Contemporary Books on Sufism


Forthcoming Books and Book Events, Pre-orders for The Alchemy of Happiness

Dear Sulūk Press Community, We hope this message finds you well. We have much to share about the forthcoming offerings from Sulūk Press. The new book by W. H. Suhrawardi Gebel, No God or Only God, will ship later this month and is available for pre-order now. 

No God or Only God Preorders, and The Alchemy of Happiness

Dear Sulūk Press Community, Praising this month’s marriage of freshness and fulfillment, the poet Leigh Hunt wrote, “There is May in books forever.” Sulūk Press offers a bouquet of books that suggest the aptness of this assertion. No God or Only God, a new book 

Breathtaking Revelations Author Chat, No God or Only God, and more

Dear Sulūk Press Community, We are proud to announce that Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan by Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva, is now shipping. See a recording of our Author Chat from April 27 here. 

The Alchemy of Happiness, Breathtaking Revelations, No God or Only God, and more

Dear Sulūk Press Community, The release of  Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan by Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva, is just around the corner. We invite you to register for the Author Chat on April 27, at 3 p.m. Eastern. Pre-order the book with 

Breathtaking Revelations Pre-orders, Author Chat, and Other New Books

Dear Sulūk Press Community, We are excited to announce the pre-release of Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan by Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva, due out in April. “Hazrat Inayat Khan’s own murshid, Abu Hashim Madani, 

Breathtaking Revelations and Other News from Sulūk Press

Dear Sulūk Press Community, One of the great joys working at Sulūk Press these past two years has been interacting with our community. It has happened so many times in the course of a “mundane” business exchange that someone surprises me with a beautiful, uplifting, 

Spiritual Liberty is shipping! Next books

Dear Sulūk Press Community, The new volume of our Centennial Edition Sufi Message volume series, Volume V: Spiritual Liberty has arrived and is now shipping. Don’t miss the opportunity to study the themes in this volume with Pir Zia Inayat Khan at his fall class that starts soon. This volume comprises several 

Summer Sale! Pre-order Spiritual Liberty, and Nirtan Songbook

Dear Sulūk Press Community, We are pleased to announce that we are now opening pre-orders for volume V of our Centennial Edition Sufi Message volume series, Volume V: Spiritual Liberty. Pre-order now and you will be the among the first to receive the book in late August. This volume comprises several 

Sufi Message Volume V Spiritual Liberty and other forthcoming books

Dear Sulūk Press Community, We know from the many inquiries how pleased you will be to know that the next volume of our Centennial Edition Sufi Message volumes, Volume V: Spiritual Liberty is in final stages of preparation and will be available July/August. The volume comprises several early 

Study the Biography with Pir Zia, Immortality, The Sufi Record

Dear Sulūk Press Community, This one writes to you fresh from the opening session of the six-part course on the Biography of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan led by Pir Zia Inayat Khan, and encourages you to join this journey. It was said that of the