Dear Sulūk Press Community,
The release of Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan by Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva, is just around the corner. We invite you to register for the Author Chat on April 27, at 3 p.m. Eastern. Pre-order the book with us, or at Amazon.
“Breathtaking Revelations offers a fascinating story of the life of a text; a Hindu Tantric treatise with its expected Yoginis and magical mantras, offering its techniques of watching the flow of breath to predict the future, ultimately finds it way, morphed and transformed via Hindi and Persian translations, to a 20th century Sufi master. Ernst’s and D’Silva’s captivating recuperation of this text in its Persian translations offers a rich tapestry, mapping across centuries and cultures an embodied divination practice of breathing.”
—Loriliai Biernacki, University of Colorado at Boulder, author of The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta’s Panentheism and New Materialism

We are preparing the next Sufi Message volume in our Centennial Edition series, The Alchemy of Happiness, volume VI, for release this summer.
Here is a taste from the chapter “What is Wanted in Life”:
“Friends, I would like to speak this evening on the subject of what is wanted in life. If this question were asked of several people, each would perhaps make out a list of not less than a thousand things that he or she wants in life. And yet, even after writing this list of a thousand things wanted in life, one rarely knows what one really wants. What one apparently wants in life is not really what one wants in life, for the nature of the outer life is illusion. As soon as one feels that one wants this or that, then the world of illusion will answer, yes, you want me in life, this particular thing is what you want. Because when one finds a lack in life, one only sees the outer lack; one does not find the lack that is within oneself. And coming to the central theme of this question, I would say that if there is anything that we can all be in accordance with—a thing that we lack in life—it is to be tuned with the infinite and to be in rhythm with the finite. In simple words: to be in rhythm with the conditions of life and to be in tune with the source of our existence.”
—Hazrat Inayat Khan
“W. H. S. Gebel’s brilliant new book is not only an in-depth exploration of whether or not God exists; it is a scientific and philosophical study into the nature of reality. The author brings extraordinary insights and clarity when addressing one of the most important questions of humankind. Gebel, a scientist, scholar, philosopher, psychologist, theologian, and mystic is uniquely qualified to tackle this mammoth topic and dive deep into an age-old debate. I discovered so much about my larger self in relation to the cosmos after reading this book.”
— Michael Harrison, composer and educator
Pir Zia Inayat Khan’s Mingled Waters is reaching new audiences through translation. This beautiful book is about convergences among the ”six holy waves” of spiritual guidance that have graced humankind. We thank our friends at Verlag Heilbronn for the the German translation Heilige Ströme, available here. We also thank our friends at Editions L’Harmattan for the French translation Au Confluent des eaux. Soufisme et unité mystique des religions coming this summer.
We recently released the updated The Prayers of the Inayatiyya. A slim volume with the updated text of the prayers as initiated in 2022. Includes drawings and descriptions of the movements for Saum and Salat, as well as comments by Hazrat Inayat Khan on praying and an introduction by Pir Zia Inayat Khan on the five dimensions of prayer.
We always welcome your questions and feedback about our books, our website, and your experience ordering with us.
With very best wishes,
Beatrice Upenieks
Business Manager