When the heart is cultivated by the power of imagination focused on what one cares most about, the heart opens of its own accord and the love stream flowing through the heart transforms the God Ideal into a living reality.
—W. H. S. Gebel from No God or Only God
We can now find W. H. Suhrawardi Gebel’s newest book, No God or Only God, wherever books are sold. You may purchase it alone or as one volume of a three-book bundle with the author’s earlier books.
Those charmed and challenged by the newborn volume may well be eager to be introduced to one of its wise older sisters, Root Speaks to Bud: Fulfilling the Purpose of Life. Using the growth and flowering of the natural world as a recurring metaphor, Suhrawardi (the name by which many know and love this writer) offers a guidebook to spiritual development that is profound in its simplicity and simple in its profundity.
In his clear, gentle words, Suhrawardi invites us to share his understanding and his quiet joy. As he describes the movement from root and bough to bud, blossom, and mature Tree of Life, our teacher offers himself as guide in the rich garden of sacredness, walking hand in hand beside the reader, encouraging his companion to pause at every stage of planting, blooming, and ripening to observe, reflect, and to open to the One.
For those hoping to learn from such a knowing, patient friend, Root Speaks to Bud is a revelation and a joy. Whether you have visited the garden with Suhrawardi in the past or have not yet experienced that happiness, the pleasure of a stroll through its cultivated greenery is a reward that can be claimed many, many times. As the Shakers promised, “When we are in the place just right, we will be in the valley of love and delight.”

The Alchemy of Happiness, Volume VI of the Sufi Message Series
Pre-orders are open for the latest volume of the Centennial Edition Sufi Message Series, The Alchemy of Happiness, volume VI, available soon in both hardcover and paperback. As this newest offering is the foundational text for Pir Zia Inayat Khan’s autumn course, those preparing for that instruction may be eager to begin reading in advance.
From the chapter “Communicating with Life”:
“The great prophets and teachers who have brought religion to humanity, who have inspired humanity with a higher ideal, who have guided humankind toward spiritual attainment, they were the revealed souls, the souls who had revelation. And what they gave to the world is their interpretation of the revelation they felt. But no sooner do composers put their music on paper than much of it is lost. And when the prophet gives teachings in the form of words, much is lost too. Then there are some who say, ‘This is something sacred, and there is my belief.’ And they keep to those words. But there are others who want to know the spirit of it. That these words that have come down to us are only interpretations of the revelations the prophets had. And if all the people in the world knew the spirit, then there would not be so many different religions, there would not be so many different creeds. They would all adhere to that one truth.”
—Hazrat Inayat Khan
What makes the Centennial Edition series of Sufi Message unique?

The Sulūk Press Centennial Edition series adheres as closely as possible to the transcribed texts of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s original talks and lectures. Care has been taken to offer Inayat Khan’s spiritual teachings in a form balancing fidelity to his original words with sensitivity to our time and the evolution of the English language. If the original, footnoted transcriptions of the lectures interest you, you can find a sources section at the back of each volume that will assist in locating the original source text in the Complete Works.
Other news:
- In the New Books Network podcast series, Dr. Shobhana Xavier, author of The Dervishes of the North, interviewed Drs. Carl Ernst and Patrick D’Silva about their book Breathtaking Revelations. It is well worth a listen!
- Suluk Press invites you to write about your own favorite book from our backlist. Do contact us so that we can include your contribution in an upcoming newsletter.
Coming up:
- Patrick D’Silva is giving a talk about Breathtaking Revelations at the Boulder Bookstore on September 12 at 6:30 p.m. Please stop in if you are in the Boulder area!
- No date yet, but we are excited about hosting W. H. S. Gebel in a discussion about his new book No God or Only God in the fall. More information to follow!
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