In Search of the Hidden Treasure
A Conference of Sufis
by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Pir Vilayat takes us on a journey in search of the treasure of Sufi wisdom by entering realm upon realm of spiritual experience, and meeting enlightened teachers from Ibn ‘Arabi to Jalal ud-Din Rumi.
Written in language that is between prayer and poetry, In Search of the Hidden Treasure is a fascinating journey into the initiative secrets of Sufism, inviting us to discover spiritual physics and a dimension of the soul that are rarely found in any other spiritual practice. We are drawn inward and, paradoxically, find renewed value in ordinary life and our place of existence.
Punctuated by stunning and seldom seen Islamic art, In Search of the Hidden Treasure is the ultimate book of Sufi wisdom that will open up for Western audiences dimensions and teachings previously hidden within the centuries of Sufi history. Richly illustrated.
Published by Tarcher Books.