ISBN: 978-0930872533

The Soul’s Journey


A modern Sufi perspective on the essential questions about the nature and meaning of life.

“The soul functions in the body, although it is incomparably larger than the body. [One has] the impression of the soul being centered in the body, when, as a matter of fact, it extends throughout the universe.” —Hazrat Inayat Khan

In this book, Inayat Khan offers an authentic and invaluable map of the territory we call human life by presenting abstract, complex issues with an engaging and even disarming simplicity, exploring the experience of the soul as it extends outward toward manifestation during its life on earth, and finally as it draws back to its source in the one being. An illuminating guide for anyone seeking answers to the deepest questions of human existence: Where did we come from? What are we doing here? Where are we going? And what is the meaning of it all?


The Soul’s Journey
by Hazrat Inayat Khan

A modern Sufi perspective on the essential questions about the nature and meaning of life, exploring the experience of the soul as it extends outward toward manifestation, during its life on earth, and finally as it draws back to its source in the one being.

“The soul functions in the body, although it is incomparably larger than the body. [One has] the impression of the soul being centered in the body, when, as a matter of fact, it extends throughout the universe.” —Hazrat Inayat Khan

In this book Inayat Khan offers the spiritual seeker an authentic and invaluable map of the territory we call human life. He presents abstract and complex issues with a simplicity that is engaging and even disarming. The Soul’s Journey is an illuminating guide for anyone seeking to understand the depths of his or her own true nature. Where did we come from? What are we doing here? Where are we going? And what is the meaning of it all?

Editor’s note: The Soul’s Journey, originally titled The Soul, Whence and Whither, has a complex editorial history, with this edition representing the sixth editing of the lectures presented here. The lectures themselves were given during the Sufi Summer School in Suresnes, France, in 1923, carefully taken down in shorthand by Sakina Furnée, to whom Inayat Khan assigned the important task of recording his lectures. The first edition of the book appeared in 1924, printed in Southampton, England. Exactly how and by whom this first edition was prepared remains unclear, but that text differed considerably from the accurate shorthand record. In 1927 a revised edition corrected errors in the first, yet Murshida Goodenough, Inayat Khan’s designated editor, left a note indicating the new edition was needed. The Soul’s Journey represents a more complete and authentic version of that material.

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