Out of print
ISBN: 978-9070104894
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The Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan: Sayings Part I


Hazrat Inayat Khan’s sayings, with explanation and illumination from his original notes (Part I).

This volume is the first of two comprising all of Inayat Khan’s sayings and contains materially originally published separately as Notes from the Unstruck Music, the Gayan (1923), The Divine Symphony or Vadan (1926), and Nirtan or the Dance of the Soul (1928). It includes a presentation of the history of these sayings, beginning with the original text taken from Inayat Khan’s notebooks.


The Complete Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan:
Sayings Part I

This volume contains Inayat Khan’s sayings that were published separately as Notes from the Unstruck Music, the Gayan (1923), The Divine Symphony or Vadan (1926), and Nirtan or the Dance of the Soul (1928). The volume presents the history of these sayings, beginning with the original text taken from Inayat Khan’s notebooks.

Additional information

Weight 2.4 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 1.6 × 9.5 in
Number of Pages



6.5 x 9.5


Hazrat Inayat Khan


Munira van Voorst van Beest


Cloth Hardcover