Dear Sulūk Press Community,
We are pleased to announce that we are now opening pre-orders for volume V of our Centennial Edition Sufi Message volume series, Volume V: Spiritual Liberty. Pre-order now and you will be the among the first to receive the book in late August. This volume comprises several early works, including the only book of teachings ever written by Hazrat Inayat Khan, A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty, published in his first year in London, 1914. Also included are Aqibat: Life After Death; The Phenomenon of the Soul; Love, Human and Divine; Pearls from the Ocean Unseen; and Metaphysics. This volume will be issued as hardcover only.
To read volume five is to be transported to the salon of the London khankah. Outside, air sirens shriek at intervals and the mood is bleak. Inside, however, an atmosphere of melody and luminosity is palpable. The inner world has a message for the outer world, but it is a message no ideology can express. Evocation is its allusive language.—Pir Zia Inayat Khan

Now through July 31 over 30 titles are on sale for 20% or more. For a limited time, steep discounts on titles such as Social Gathekas, Ecstasy Beyond Knowing, Sufi Message volumes, Mingled Waters, and many more. |
An exciting new sheet music publication!
Ten songs for voice and piano from the Nirtan shipping in two weeks
Ten songs composed by Shaikh-ul-Mashaik Pyaromir Maheboob khan to texts from the Nirtan by Hazrat Inayat Khan, with explanatory notes from the composer’s son Shaikh al-Mashaik Mahmood khan Youskine. Several are published here for the first time. Bound in a single volume for ease of enjoyment at the piano. A joint project of the Music Activity of the Inayatiyya and the Shaikh-ul-Mashaik Maheboob khan Foundation and the Fonds de Dotation Mir Payrumian van Goens.
We always welcome your questions and feedback about our books, our website, and your experience ordering with us.
With very best wishes,
Beatrice Upenieks
Business Manager